Warcry: Nighthaunts
This set contains 13 Citadel Miniatures, including 4 Myrnmourn Banshees, 4 Glaivewraith Stalkers and 5 Grimghast Reapers (with the option to build one as an Extoller of Shyish). It also includes an ability card that provides reference imagery for your fighters and powers they can use on the battlefield, fighter cards for 7 different types of fighter, including the Dreadwarden, Grimghast Reaper, Chainrasp, Spirit Host, Glaivewraith Stalker, Extoller of Shyish and the Myrmourn Banshee. Finally, you'll get 2 double-sided, Nighthaunt-themed token boards, letting you track activations, initiative, treasure, objectives and more.
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